LBA REsources
Education/Class Resources
The Office of Undergraduate Education and the Division of Student Affairs. Remote learning resources for you: the Keep Learning UCSB site. This site provides effective strategies for remote learning, tips for using online learning tools, and more.
Within this resource, they have EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR REMOTE LEARNING if you are interested in checking it out!
There is also a section that covers Zoom Tips & Suggestions that can be useful for your online courses. There are Zoom 101 sessions being provided by the ONDAS/TSC teams if you would like to drop in for help.
FREE PDF READERS - This helpful blog from HubSpot recommends the 15 best free PDF readers of 2020.
There is also a cite called: Library Genesis or Library Genesis Direct Website to see if they have your books available as a PDF, a Promise Scholar in the chat I am part of suggested not to use it on school wifi.
If some classes have not contacted you regarding course materials such as textbooks try to check out Rate my Professor if students have mentioned a book being required.
Another form of checking if a class requires a book is through the UCSB Bookstore site by going to "textbooks" --> "order textbooks" & clicking "Fall 20 Order Now" it will let you check by Department + course #
If you are wanting to wake up early & find yourself snoozing your alarm and sleeping in or having trouble waking up early/on time. Try this app called MyMath Alarm where you can turn off your alarm only after answering some math problems. You can set it up to the # of problems to solve and it has a section where you can plan out your routine. It lets you customize what sounds will ring in combinations or if you want it to say something like "Wake Up" when the alarm goes off.
Health & Wellbeing
Here is a new website that recently was released that covers Student Health & Wellbeing
In addition, we wanted to provide some information provided through the CDC website: Taking Care of Your Emotional Health

Adobe Creative Cloud
Once we receive that we'll e-mail you instructions to complete the setup.
If you work with the University, don't forget that you have access to LinkedIn Learning (follow the link & input your UCSB email which then prompts you to the UCSB log in page that uses your UCSBNetID + Password),
This resource provides tutorials on different concepts & you can earn certificates through the different topics or take tests on LinkedIn itself to add to your profile. Please take advantage of all the programs, software, and resources available to you & the amount of time we have towards further improving ourselves.
Ivy Leagues! Free Online Courses, The courses range across many different fields from introduction to coding to professional development.
For any math majors, you can download Mathematica through UCSB!
Basic resources
Basic Needs Resources:
Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS):
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS):
Disabled Students Program:
ONDAS Student Center: -closed; check back for updates.
Campus Advocacy Resource and Education (CARE):
Transfer Student Center (TSC):
Undocumented Students Services:
Veteran’s and Military Services:
Alcohol and Drug Program (ADP):
(805) 893-5013;
Social Work Services:
(805) 893-3087
Covid Resources

Sign up for CalFresh, it is a federally funded food nutrition assistance program to get help in paying for your groceries! You can get up to $192 each month!